@tweetarrator and begin reading.
That's right - commencing 1st May 2010 you can be part of one of the most unique reading groups on planet earth. Fiction delivered in
'story chunks' direct to you via twitter.
Every day (Mon to Sat) we will
tweetarrate (narrate via twitter) a story to you. tweetarrator will broadcast 4 to 6 tweets within a few minutes to give the follower (you) a chunk of the short story
we are reading together. A story of around 3,500 words will take approximately 30 days to broadcast.
tweetarrations (story chunks) are sent once a day in a quick burst to keep you interested in the story and not completely sidetracked from your busy day. We think that's pretty cool and we hope you do as well. If you don't check your tweets in a particular day that's cool, the tweets will be waiting for you. It won't take too much to catch up.
As followers increase we will develop this twitter service further. Some ideas like:
- Showcasing classic, readable, authors of the past to reignite a passion for reading fiction
- Tweetarrator marathons (reading events where we read a whole book over a compressed timefame)
- Author introductions and interviews
- Book launches (sampling of new books for follower feedback and promotion)
- Writing competitions - an opportuinity for new authors to emerge
It's easy, it's free - simply follow
@tweetarrator and we'll do the rest... how easy is that?