Saturday, October 9, 2010

Small Places : Nick L Belardes [66 of 128]

  • Twenty-One.
  • I'm told that within three days I have to design an ad that can be torn out of a magazine and folded into the shape of a wireless device.
  • Thinking back, I remember youthful days ripping apart cereal boxes for their intriguing back-of-the-box army diagrams.
  • I always folded the cereal box army tanks hoping for truly magical war machines with big boxy cannons my plastic army men could straddle.
  • Never failed. My army tanks would look like swans. Now my boss expects me to design fold-outs that engineers would love on their desks.
  • Milt: "Nothing too goo gah now. I just want a wireless device people can fold together, fill with sand and place their pencils in."
  • Me: "Sure you don't just want me to design a drawing they can tear out and color?" Milt: "These are engineers I'm talking about."
  • The FAO Schwartz toystore is abuzz with Star Wars laser beams, action figures as tall as elves and Barbies looking like TV show rejects.