- Have you ever seen Joan's eyes if leftover pizza in the break room runs out before she gets to it?
- She will send a "You jerk" email for sure. I'm like Joan. In moments like these I realize corporate America was built for people like us.
- People who need the little things. I may never be a great ad writer. I may never get break room leftovers.
- But I will threaten hari-kari in my own personal Cubepocalypse. There’s always an office worker who leaves two hours early everyday and
- no one says a thing. At Buildicon her name is Marcia. Marcia stuffs marketing literature in boxes. Those boxes get sent to tradeshows.
- Mulani answers phone calls all day about how the boxes are stuffed wrong.
- Our manager, Milt Butterlink doesn’t care about the boxes. “Too far down the totem pole,” he says. Besides, Mulani will fix it.
- Often Marcia can be seen dropping what she’s doing and walking out the door. She has the attention span of Milt minus three brain cells.
- Yet, as I sit at my desk and fume about the unfairness of not being able to leave until 5:01, I can’t help but want to be Marcia.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Small Places : Nick L Belardes [56 of 128]
Small Places : Nick Belardes