Monday, May 17, 2010

  • All I need say, just now, is, that the Baroness Von Koëldwethout somehow or other acquired great control
  • over the Baron Von Koëldwethout, and that, little by little, and bit by bit, and day by day, and year by year,
  • the baron got the worst of some disputed question, or was slily unhorsed from some old hobby; and that by the time he was a
  • fat hearty fellow of forty-eight or thereabouts, he had no feasting, no revelry, no hunting train, and no hunting -
  • nothing in short that he liked, or used to have; and that, although he was as fierce as a lion and as bold as brass,
  • he was decidedly snubbed and put down, by his own lady, in his own castle of Grogzwig.