Friday, August 6, 2010

Small Places : Nick L Belardes [11 of 128]

  • Why is it important to tell you? Because this happens every day, five days a week, blah blah weeks per year. Every single grey cubicle day.
  • Milt Butterlink is always second-guessing himself, his intentions, his copywriting, his morning coffee flavor,
  • but not always in that order. I imagine a small place in a bug colony.
  • Milt, with no feelers would try to lead us to the productivity room. We'd end up eaten by birds.
  • Milt only uses ideas he steals for his own. He passes those straight on to the company president. That would be the enterprise level.
  • Milt's Document: "Caterpillar Marketing Plan: Budget and Style for Buildicon's Gadgetary Future."
  • He has an excitable look on his face. It's an energy no one in the room draws from.
  • His eyes twinkle with nonsense as he leans in to let us know he is working on a major project.
  • "This is the most important document to come out of Buildicon. Any leak, our competitors could destroy what is noble and true about us."
  • I look at the document. It's gobbledy-gook can't be interpreted. I suddenly imagine caterpillars crawling out of Milt's ears.