- "You're a baby. It's beginner's luck," I say. I turn to Vishnu. "You hung out in what place in New Delhi?" "The Punjab Potato," he says.
- "It's a drink," Vishnu says. I grimace. "The world is full of many things. One experience is but a doorway to another," he says.
- Mike: "I hate to be a ball breaker, but we do have a game to play. Break!" he yells and starts a new game. I have another agenda on my mind
- "Joan's off the deep end," I say. "No!" Mike feigns surprise. "She's near meltdown," I add. Mike waves his hands, pretends to care: "Oooo."
- Mulani nods: "It's Milt." Me: "If he didn't steal ideas, berate everyone and generally not let us do our jobs, maybe he would be likeable.”
- Mike:"Managers like Milt aren't supposed to be likeable." Mulani: "Well Joan says she's calling in fifth-column action to see he gets his."
- Mulani continues:"Well that's what she said when she was cursing like a sailor in the parking garage." OK, I'm curious: "What did she say?"
- Mulani:"She said, 'That SOB is messing with the wrong bitch if he thinks I'm taking the fall again for his boyish grasp on the department!"
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Small Places : Nick L Belardes [32 of 128]
Small Places : Nick Belardes