- "I would never. I just know you're the new guy and wanted to say hi, Vish," I say. Vishnu: "I've been here four months."
- He sits like the same preying mantis near my kitchen window. I can't ever tell that it moves, that it eats. I can't even see it blink.
- Every once in a while I notice in the small places of my house where there used to be spiders are now broken webs picked clean.
- "I just kind of wondered," I say. "Wondered what??" Vishnu sits up. His eyes are now wide. "Are you wondering the mysteries of the Web?"
- Vish "Afraid customers aren't going to partake of the Buildicon web portal?" "Nothing of the sort!" I say. "Do you hate New Delhi?" he adds
- "Let me tell you the streets are like gold. There are no huts, no barbarians, no Mother Theresa action figures, no cow trolleys...
- "We have temples for old and new religions. We have Sikh temples that sparkle with white lights and Hindu temples like mountains in the sky
- "We have an ancient red fort and much newer lotus temple that glows like a candlelit blossom on a serene body of water...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Small Places : Nick L Belardes [30 of 128]
Small Places : Nick Belardes