- Milt: "What I want to tell you is we are like tractors. We're not bugs. Everyone here plays a vital role in unearthing our marketing core."
- All I can gather is I'm some kind of marketing backhoe operator and I need a hard hat to withstand Milt's dense communication methods.
- I'm starting to lose consciousness again. Vishnu looks fish-like. His eyes roll and bulge. The gills I imagine on his neck twitch and gasp.
- Milt: "Let's get to advertising." Micromanaging his creative team means we don't create a piss in the toilet. He doesn't realize this...
- So he begins to criticize his own advertising tag lines, “I want you all to know that too many catch phrases
- can make you sound like a real trinkydink kind of a company.” I write furiously in my notepad.
- I've been putting together a book of senseless micromanager quotes and Milt has just laid a doozy on me.
- It's right up there in the cloudy angelic fields of marketing nomenclature: "A trinkydink kind of a company." I'm almost jealous.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Small Places : Nick L Belardes [13 of 128]
Small Places : Nick Belardes