- And that's OK, except now he's wearing goggles to work. He's happy we're bringing life to the land of grey. But now I call him captain.
- Up walks Kira de Frito. Dear me, did I forget to mention that she has a birthmark on her forehead? She's got that look in her eye again.
- "You do not like me," Kira says. I say in reference to her birthmark: "You're so retro Gorbachev." She doesn't get it.
- We battle with questions: "What did I ever do?" "You didn't like the song?" "Why are you so angry?" "Are you not a fan of musicals, Kira?"
- Kira de Frito once starred in a Brazilian novella. I never acknowledge her stardom. So she's overly sensitive.
- She bolts into Milt's office. "What's up with the colorful new ads?" I say to Mike. "It's like robots in dance gear."
- Mike: "It's our new look and feel." Me: "Rainbows?" Mike imitates Milt Butterlink: "Make Buildicon recognizable with color."
- He adds, "Milt can't choose one color so he goes with them all."
- Milt's door opens and out pops Kira de Frito. She bolts for her cubicle. "What's up her pineapple?" Mike says.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Small Places : Nick L Belardes [28 of 128]
Small Places : Nick Belardes