Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Small Places : Nick L Belardes [111 of 128]

  • "To be honest, I'm not even sure if she had a neck," Mike says. "That green dress was sure tight around her gizzard."
  • "They hired my third grade teacher," I say. "They went from Hollywood sleezy to Texan, to cheesy sitcom actress." Mike: "It gets worse."
  • Me: "Worse?" Mike: "You'll see." Me: "How could it get worse?" Mike: "I saw the supplies she ordered. She's a live one."
  • We walk to Mulani's office and she's sitting there, glasses on and staring at the computer. Me: "Oh man, she's doing global data entry."
  • I peer closer. "It's that data program that's going to revolutionize how we organize. She'll never hear us. She's got the Internet stare."
  • Mulani feigns a trance. Me: "She must have entered the same information twelve times. Would be easier to enter data into a sausage."
  • "Mulani, come back to us," I say. She giggles. Mike: "Oh look, it's Joan." Joan: "Hi guys." She smells like stress.
  • "Passed up for manager again?" Mike says. Joan: "I don't want that stinkin' job. I never applied and I never will.”