Friday, October 15, 2010

Small Places : Nick L Belardes [70 of 128]

  • Milt gives me a look. His wooden-looking fingers wiggle. "French, huh?" he says. I can see the desire in his Franken-eyes.
  • He grunts: "OK." The waitress has fair skin and thick blue eye shadow with eyebrows painted on.
  • For some reason I want to reach over and smear them across her forehead. Milt orders a Sierra Nevada beer.
  • He then looks at me boyishly: "Wow. Wow. This is so cool!" Three Sierra Nevadas later he loosens up.
  • "So what's this all about?" Milt says. Me: "What do you mean?" He looks like an idiot struck him silly: "This! This right here! Right now!"
  • I look at Milt: "I don't know. Still trying to ponder the ten minutes after I woke up this morning." Milt: "No!" Me: "No?" Milt: "No!"
  • Milt: "Well let me tell you. It's about strategy." He's the boss. So I have to listen even though he's starting to talk like Kira de Frito.