Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Small Places : Nick L Belardes [81 of 128]

  • Mike ignores the TV news: "It doesn't matter if it's my idea, your idea, or the corporation's idea. Managers are supposed to be jerks."
  • Me: "You sympathetic idiot. Milt stepped on the bulldog's tail. He'll be gone within days once Joan's allies move against him."
  • Milt Butterlink looks like he has the stomach flu, day four. He's a ghost-white walking stiff as he woodenly walks amongst the cubicles.
  • He isn't talking, singing, saying "superstar" or even looking anyone in the eye. Even Kira de Frito looks like she's seen an apparition.
  • The prez exits his office. His goggles are off. He steps in front of Kira and says to Milt: "Come, take a walk with me." Milt's eyes widen.
  • Milt walks down a corridor with the prez. Mike: "That's not a good sign. A day like this needs an 80s theme song. 'Thriller'?
  • Me: "I told you. Milt has been given the anvil of corporate death. Joan must have mustered some serious forces of vengeance."