Monday, November 1, 2010

Small Places : Nick L Belardes [85 of 128]

  • The bugs didn't say a word. The forest was alive with stinkbugs, fungus spores, lady-bug-covered trees and fat aphids soaking in nectar.
  • She "Harrumphed" and kept walking until it was 10:09, when she stood on the edge of cornfields that stood like rows of towers.
  • "That's the place," said a curious old snail. A contraption on his back poorly mopped his slimy trail as he slithered.
  • Suddenly it was 10:10. Loud booms filled the cornfields. The bagworm fell over. When she jumped up,
  • far away she saw the top of a farmhouse. The farmhouse was a cobb structure built of mud and grass bricks.
  • A puff of smoke went up from a crooked chimney. A cat slept on the roof. Next to the farmhouse stood an old barn.
  • In between the two was an outhouse. A fence that bugs could easily walk beneath surrounded it all.
  • Inside, the farmer sat at a kitchen table reading a newspaper. He oddly looked like a younger version of the old man from the walking path.