Sunday, November 7, 2010

Small Places : Nick L Belardes [90 of 128]

  • Twenty-Eight.
  • The interim marketing manager is a golfing buddy of the Prez with a hiccupy heave that makes his stomach seem to jump in his chest.
  • A Texan, in his "no BS" manner, he hiccups and says to the marketing group: "First of all, y'all make too much noise.” Mike squirms.
  • "I declare this cubicle zone a no music zone. It will also be free of talk, free of mindless chatter, and most of all, free of laughter.
  • "Now, whenever I'm around and you're talkin' to me, you are in a free speech zone, unless you start laughing.
  • "Let me remind you that workers in general make too much noise. Am I clear? Because I want positive production.
  • "I don't want no half-assed, slippin' around on two left feet doin' nuthin' but scratching paws on carpet. Follow?" Everyone nods.