Monday, August 2, 2010

Small Places : Nick L Belardes [7 of 128]

  • Why does the company secretary keep a copious supply of lollipops on her desk? Company prez says, "I need a form." She licks her lips.
  • Theyre doing it.  And so the candy, the lollipops, they keep workers working along with their abstract naughty thoughts. Enough.
  • I have to go to a meeting.
  • Three.
  • Of the eight people in the meeting room who appear to be in a state of cryogenics, three of us seem worse off than the rest.
  • Vishnu rolls his eyes as if slowly awakening from a month of freezing-tube paralysis. Theres no hope for him.
  • His karmic voyage to a land of the sleep gives him a strangely peaceful look as if he's an
  • all-wise-half-listening webmaster from New Delhi.