Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Small Places : Nick L Belardes [45 of 128]

  • "People from your city, your family, your neighborhood and outlying villages celebrate this festival for 5,000 years.
  • "Customs are as ancient as the streets and air. All around you are lights and smiles. There are great temples and wide festival streets.
  • "You stop for a pastry delicacy smothered in cheese. The ancients walked the same road, ate the same food,
  • prepared in exactly the same way. "You see, a roll is not just a roll. It is a cultural artifact constantly remade in the likeness
  • of its former self. "Every day they are reborn and you can have another. Time overlaps.
  • This is the enlightenment of the roll," Vishnu says. Mike doesn't get it. On the pier I have a moment alone with Mulani.
  • Far below we can see Vishnu and Mike tossing a Frisbee across the sand.
  • Each dives over sea kelp and jellyfish carcasses to catch passes. Occasionally Mulani waves down to them while we walk.